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Define a z/OS Host

After starting the Windows Client you need to connect the Windows Client to the z/OS server component. In order to connect the Windows Client to the z/OS server component, you must first define the z/OS server or servers that you plan to use. The Windows Client Host List feature is used to define z/OS server connections.

You can define as many z/OS servers as you want and you can simultaneously connect to as many z/OS servers as you want (as long you have installed and configured the z/OS server component on them).

To define a z/OS host

Note: The following procedure assumes you have started the Windows Client and the Host List window is not displayed. If the Host List window is already displayed then you can skip step 1.

  1. Click the Host List icon (Host List dialog icon) in the Windows Client toolbar.

    The Host List dialog appears as shown in the following sample.

    This is an example of the Host List window.

  2. Click the New Host icon (This is a screen shot example of the New Host Definition icon) in the Host List window toolbar.

    The Host Definition dialog appears as shown in the following sample.

    This is a screen shot example of the Host Definition dialog

  3. Complete the Host Definition dialog, the field options are:

    Provides the Host Name displayed in the Host List dialog.

    Agent ID

    Provides the name of the agent that collects data from the host. Select z/OS Agent if it is not already displayed.

    IP Address

    Defines the IP address or server name of the z/OS host to which you are connecting.


    Defines the port number of the z/OS host to which you are connecting.

    User name

    (Optional) Provides the user ID, which is sent to the host in encrypted form. If you leave the user name, password, or both fields empty, you will have to provide them each time you connect to the host. However, if the host will be used in scheduled operations this information is required.

    Password Type

    Select the password type in the Password Type drop-down list. The host definition supports the following types of passwords:

    Password Type

    The password is and ordinary password of up to 8 characters.


    The password is a passphrase between 9 and 100 characters.


    The password is a token + PIN combination.

    Password String

    (Optional) Provides the password string, which is sent to the host in encrypted form. If you do not specify a password string then you must enter it every time you try to connect the Windows Client to the z/OS host.

    Note: You also have the option of providing the z/OS host user ID and not the password when setting up your Host Definition; this is often done at sites where security policies require Passwords to be changed periodically. If the host will be used in scheduled operations, the password string is required.


    Renter the password string. If you provide a Password String then you must provide the same password string in the confirmation field.

    Client Trace

    (Optional) Indicates if the system should save the messages relating to host-client communication in a log file. For more information about this field click the Help icon. Normally you will only select this if requested to do so by CA Support.

    Host Trace

    (Optional) Creates a trace on the host of all the messages exchanged between the z/OS host and the Windows Client. For more information about this field click the Help icon. Normally you will only select this if requested to do so by CA Support.

  4. Click Test to test your connection information.

    The Windows Client advises you if your connection to the z/OS host is successful.

  5. Click OK.

    The Windows Client stores the host definition. The new host definition appears in the Host List window. The Host List window displays all your defined hosts and their connection status.

    The following is a sample of the Host List window showing the different connection status icons.

    This diagram shows the different connection status symbols in the Host List window.